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Multisensory Approach

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The Orton-Gillingham Approach

Students with dyslexia need to master the same basic knowledge about language and its relationship to our writing system as any who seek to become competent readers and writers. However, because of their dyslexia, they need more help than most people in sorting, recognizing, and organizing the raw materials of language for thinking and use. Language elements that non-dyslexic learners acquire easily must be taught directly and systematically.

The Orton-Gillingham Approach can be described as language-based, multisensory, structured, sequential, cumulative, cognitive, diagnostic, and prescriptive.

Orton-Gillingham (OG) lessons equip students with learning differences to succeed with language skills. These may include language that is receptive or expressive, spoken or written.
Multisensory instruction uses auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and tactile pathways simultaneously. This creates and reinforces strong memories that are easier to recall.
OG lessons teach the structure of language. OG practitioners use direct instruction to reveal the patterns that make English reading and spelling predictable. Lesson routines are clear so that students know what to expect.
Concepts are presented in logical order. Simple, foundational ideas are presented and mastered before complex ones are addressed.
Information and skills build on each other, so regular review ensures that previously studied lessons are not forgotten. Concepts are mastered and retained.
Students begin to understand the logical patterns of language, and they are empowered to think through spelling and decoding challenges. Strategies are given and practiced so that students can exchange the insecurity of guessing for the ability to answer confidently.
Diagnostic and Prescriptive
The OG practitioner makes careful diagnostic notes about student errors. The next lesson is prescriptively planned to address the root of a student’s misunderstanding.
Other approaches, techniques, and programs utilized by Camperdown teachers include:
  • Lindamood Bell
  • Visualizing and Verbalizing
  • Structured Word Inquiry
  • LiPs    
  • Wilson Reading  
  • Keys to Literacy  
  • Seeing Stars
  • Read Naturally
  • Hochman Basic Writing Skills
  • Keys to Comprehension
  • Diana King Method