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Professional Training for Schools & Teachers


Experience the frustrations and feelings of failure that people with dyslexia encounter in this interactive, hands-on simulation. How do you read a story when you can’t remember the sound associated with each letter? What is it like when your hand won’t write what your brain tells it to write? How hard is it to complete a task when you have difficulty tuning out background noise?

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This workshop is designed to educate participants about what dyslexia is, and what it looks like when encountered in a classroom. The session will provide insight into how this learning difference impacts academics and behavior. Discussion will include identification, remediation, and best practices.

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Describing a child as a “good reader” means something different in first grade than in fifth grade. How does reading typically develop? This informative session focuses on the science of reading and the different stages students will experience as they work through their reading development. Key instructional practices are linked to each stage.

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This “Make and Take” manipulatives workshop affords participants an opportunity to learn how to apply multisensory strategies to building phonemic awareness. Each attendee will walk away with a collection of tactile tools and knowledge of how to use each manipulative to better engage students in letter/sound awareness and knowledge.

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English is alphabetic-phonetic because the sounds of spoken language connect to the letters in written language.  Discover how six syllable types and five syllable division patterns unlock the pronunciation and spelling of words. This topic may be divided into two sections; custom solutions available.

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English is alphabetic-phonetic because the sounds of spoken language connect to the letters in written language. This session covers the three major spelling rules and provides tools for teaching spelling patterns in short-vowel words. Customization of this workshop can include the addition of tools for teaching long-vowel spelling patterns.

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The diagnosis of dyslexia is medical, but the treatment is educational. Explore the best practices approach for teaching students who struggle with dyslexia. Session will showcase nine core principles that make the OG Approach effective. This session can follow a What Dyslexia Is and Is Not workshop, and can be customized to connect to classroom teaching practices.

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Exploring the roots and historical evolution of the English language will lead to a critical understanding of how words have developed. This session will benefit both teacher and learner as a deeper understanding of the history of the language can help with word pronunciation and spelling.

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Vocabulary knowledge is recognized as a core component of reading comprehension, but how can vocabulary skill be fostered? This workshop walks step-by-step through selecting vocabulary to teach, introducing words with student-friendly techniques, promoting active processing for understanding and transfer, and providing multiple exposures to promote long-term retention. Teachers will leave with multiple ideas for immediate use.

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Reading fluency is vital for reading comprehension. Fluency depends on accuracy, rate, and expression. How can these skills be built in developing readers? This session incorporates the science of reading and best practices for fluency instruction.

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Reading well is more than decoding accurately. Teachers can support students’ development of strategies for understanding vocabulary, leveraging background knowledge, recognizing text structures, and using verbal reasoning. Session equips educators with practical ideas for promoting comprehension strategies.

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The study of meaningful word parts offers the power to unlock vocabulary, spelling, and word reading. This workshop provides a rationale for morphology instruction, a suggested order for introducing morphemes, and key multisensory strategies for introducing this layer of language to students.

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Sentences are the foundation of understanding and producing written communication. Session explores how to teach vital sentence skills through sentence combining exercises and use of questioning strategies to organize and expand written output.

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What common hurdles do students with dyslexia or dysgraphia face when writing, and how can teachers help them succeed? This hands-on workshop invites educators to explore both the structure and process for writing and editing paragraphs. Customization can include the exploration of paragraph types, expanded paragraph structures, or analyzation of student writing samples to determine instructional needs.

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General Interest Form

Camperdown Academy will partner with you in developing a course that meets the professional development needs of your staff. Our expertise can help your team:

  • Learn new teaching strategies for reaching struggling learners
  • Develop planning and organizational skills in your students
  • Gain knowledge and insight into language-based learning differences, and co-existing difficulties like ADHD, anxiety, and executive function.
  • Establish better classroom and student outcomes for your team

Customize your professional development: Depending on topic, sessions range from 90 minutes up to a half or full-day of instruction. Instruction can be over a series of days/weeks.

Click Here to request more information about a customized workshop

Ongoing & Past Participants/Camperdown Academy Training


Erskine College 
Newberry College
Wofford College
North Greenville University
Bob Jones University
Converse College

School Districts:

Laurens Dist. 55
Spartanburg Dist. 6
Spartanburg Dist. 1
Oconee School Dist.
Anderson Dist. 4


The Learning Community
Lowcountry Preparatory


Participant Feedback

“I will be able to take this back to my teachers and use it to help them plan and implement phonics

“This by far has been the best training for ELA!!!!”

“I liked getting time to try designing a lesson plan! Camperdown is always full of great strategies and tips
for struggling learners.”

“The presentation provided by Camperdown was informative, engaging, and impactful. Our teachers
unanimously felt this training was beneficial for them and helpful.”

“Can I please GO to Camperdown and watch them teach??”
